These fluffy Doraiaki pancakes pair perfectly with all Luisella Flavors.

Ingredients for 12 units

  • 180 g of water
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 240 g of all-purpose flour
  • 150 g of icing sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 20 g honey

How to prepare Dorayaki

To prepare the dorayaki, first pour the flour into a bowl, then add the icing sugar and baking powder.

At this point add the eggs, honey and water at room temperature. Once you have added all the ingredients in the bowl, start whipping with a whisk, first slowly, then vigorously until you get a lump-free compound with a fluid consistency.

Heat the pan for crepes (or a large non-stick pan), pour a little bit of oil and spread it on the surface with a sheet of paper towel, then pour a ladle of mixture for each dorayaki (we recommend to prepare one at a time) The heat should be medium: this way you will not risk that your dorayaki darkens too much. Depending on how much dough you use, you will get more or less large dorayaki. Wait about 3 minutes and as soon as the small bubbles start to surface, you can turn them and continue cooking for 1 minute on the other side. Continue in this way until the dough is finished and gradually stack your dorayaki and then drizzle Luisella over it or serve as a sandwich filled with Luisella.

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